We start by loading the seqtime library.


Then, we generate a time series with the Ricker community model. For this, we have to specify the number of species N as well as the interaction matrix A that describes their interactions. We generate an interaction matrix with a specified connectance c at random. The connectance gives the percentage of realized arcs out of all possible arcs (arc means that the edge is directed). The diagonal values, which represent intra-species competition, are set to a negative value. In addition, we introduce a high percentage of negative arcs to avoid explosions.

A=generateA(N, c=0.1, d=-1)
## [1] "Adjusting connectance to 0.1"
## [1] "Initial edge number 2500"
## [1] "Initial connectance 1"
## [1] "Number of edges removed 2205"
## [1] "Final connectance 0.1"
## [1] "Final connectance: 0.1"
## [1] "Initial edge number 295"
## [1] "Initial connectance 0.1"
## [1] "Number of negative edges already present: 170"
## [1] "Converting 36 edges into negative edges"
## [1] "Final connectance: 0.1"
# Generate a matrix using the algorithm by Klemm and Eguiluz to simulate a species network with a more realistic modular and scale-free structure. This takes a couple of minutes to complete.
#A=generateA(N, type="klemm", c=0.1)

Next, we generate uneven initial species abundances, summing to a total count of 1000.

barplot(y,main="Initial species abundances",xlab="Species",ylab="Abundance")

With the initial abundances and the interaction matrix, we can run a simulation of community dynamics with the Ricker model and plot the resulting time series.

# convert initial abundances in proportions (y/sum(y)) and run without a noise term (sigma=-1)
out.ricker=ricker(N,A=A,y=(y/sum(y)),K=rep(0.1,N), sigma=-1,tend=500)

We can then analyse the community time series. First, we plot for each species the mean against the variance. If a straight line fits well in log scale, the Taylor law applies.

# the pseudo-count allows to take the logarithm of species hat went extinct
ricker.taylor=seqtime::taylor(out.ricker, pseudo=0.0001, col="green", type="taylor")
## Warning in predict.lm(linreg, interval = interval, level = (upper.conf - : predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

Now we look at the noise types of the species simulated with the noise-free Ricker model. The only noise type identified is black noise.

ricker.noise=identifyNoisetypes(out.ricker, smooth=TRUE)
## [1] "Number of taxa below the abundance threshold:  1"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-significant power spectrum laws:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-classified power spectrum:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with white noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with pink noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with brown noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with black noise:  49"

Next, we run the SOI model on the same interaction matrix and initial abundances. For the example, we run it with only 500 individuals and 100 generations.

out.soi=soi(N, I=500, A=A, m.vector=y, tend=100)

The Taylor law fits far better to time series generated with the SOI than with the Ricker model according to the adjusted R2.

soi.taylor=seqtime::taylor(out.soi, pseudo=0.0001, col="blue", type="taylor")
## Warning in predict.lm(linreg, interval = interval, level = (upper.conf - : predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

When we compute noise types in the community time series generated with SOI, we find that pink noise dominates.

## [1] "Number of taxa below the abundance threshold:  1"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-significant power spectrum laws:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-classified power spectrum:  28"
## [1] "Number of taxa with white noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with pink noise:  15"
## [1] "Number of taxa with brown noise:  6"
## [1] "Number of taxa with black noise:  0"

Next, we generate a community time series with the Hubbell model, which describes neutral community dynamics. We set the number of species in the local and in the meta-community as well as the number of deaths to N and assign 1500 individuals. The immigration rate m is set to 0.1. We skip the first 500 steps of transient dynamics.

out.hubbell=simHubbell(N=N, M=N,I=1500,d=N, m.vector=(y/sum(y)), m=0.1, tskip=500, tend=1000)

The neutral dynamics fits the Taylor law well:

hubbell.taylor=seqtime::taylor(out.hubbell, pseudo=0.0001, col="blue", type="taylor")
## Warning in predict.lm(linreg, interval = interval, level = (upper.conf - : predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

The Hubbell time series is dominated by brown noise:

## [1] "Number of taxa below the abundance threshold:  1"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-significant power spectrum laws:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-classified power spectrum:  7"
## [1] "Number of taxa with white noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with pink noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with brown noise:  42"
## [1] "Number of taxa with black noise:  0"

Finally, we generate a community with the Dirichlet Multinomial distribution, which in contrast to the three previous models does not introduce a dependency between time points.


We plot its Taylor law.

dm.uneven.taylor=seqtime::taylor(dm.uneven, pseudo=0.0001, col="orange", type="taylor", header="Dirichlet-Multinomial")
## Warning in predict.lm(linreg, interval = interval, level = (upper.conf - : predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

As expected, samples generated with the Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution do not display pink, brown or black noise.

## [1] "Number of taxa below the abundance threshold:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-significant power spectrum laws:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with non-classified power spectrum:  21"
## [1] "Number of taxa with white noise:  29"
## [1] "Number of taxa with pink noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with brown noise:  0"
## [1] "Number of taxa with black noise:  0"

The evenness of the species proportion vector given to the Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution influences the slope of the Taylor law:

dm.even.taylor=seqtime::taylor(dm.even, pseudo=0.0001, col="orange", type="taylor", header="Even Dirichlet-Multinomial")
## Warning in predict.lm(linreg, interval = interval, level = (upper.conf - : predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

Noise simulation

For further examples on simulating noise, see noise_simulations.html.