Simulate species abundances with the basic Hubbell model.
simHubbell(N = 50, M = 500, I = 500, y = rep(1/N, N), m.vector = rep(1/M, M), m = 0.02, d = 10, tskip = 0, tend = 100, perturb = NULL)
N | species number in the local community |
M | species number in the metacommunity |
I | number of individuals |
y | initial species proportions in the local community, should sum to one |
m.vector | species proportions in the metacommunity, should sum to one |
m | immigration rate (probability that a dead individuum is replaced by an individuum from the metacommunity) |
d | number of deaths at each time step |
tskip | number of initial time points to be skipped when returning the result (to avoid the transient) |
tend | number of time points (i.e. the number of generations) |
perturb | a perturbation object |
a matrix with species abundances as rows and time points as columns
For a recent review on the Hubbell model, see Rosindell, Hubbell and Etienne, 2011.
Rosindell, Hubbell and Etienne (2011). The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography at Age Ten. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 26 (7), 340-348.
for the neutral model with the untb package
if (FALSE) { N <- 50 M <- 500 metapop <- generateAbundances(N = M, mode = 5, probabs = TRUE) tsplot(simHubbell(N = N, M = M, I = 3000, d = N, m.vector = metapop, tskip=500, tend=1000)) }