Store slices of previously generated time series in the input folder and store them in the output folder.

sliceTS(slices = NULL, slice.def.path = "", input.folder = "",
  output.folder = "", expIds = c())



a matrix with rows and 2 columns, where each row codes the time series identifier, the first column the start and the second the end time point; NA means until end of the time series


path to a slice definition file, which has two tab-delimited columns for the start and end time points, respectively; NA means until end of the time series


location of time series and settings sub folders


folder in which all slices go (no sub-folders)


set of experiment identifiers to process


The input folder is expected to contain the folder structure as generated by generateTS.R (timeseries subfolder containing experiment subfolders). Sliced time series are stored in the output folder without subfolders.