The Hill numbers quantify biodiversity. The importance of the abundance distribution increases with increasing Hill order. For q=0, the Hill number is the richness, for q=1, it is the (exponential) Shannon entropy and for q=2, it is the inverse Simpson index. Note that the Hill order can also be a fraction, e.g. 0.5.
hill(p = rep(1/10, 10), q = 0)
p | relative abundance vector, should sum to one |
q | the Hill order |
the Hill number
The Hill number is defined as D=(SUM p_i^q)^1/(1-q), for i from 1 to S, where S is the species number, p_i is the proportion of species i and q is the Hill order. Since the Hill number involves a division by zero for q=1, please choose a sufficiently close q, such as 0.99999, when computing the Hill number for 1.
Hill (1973) "Diversity and evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences", Ecology 54: 427-432.
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