The lineage information is provided in form of a matrix, which contains for each OTU identifier the taxonomic levels from column 2 to 8 (domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) and the entire lineage in column 9. The lineage in column 9 is optional. Alternatively, OTU identifiers can also be stored as column names. In this case, taxonomic levels are assumed to range from column 1 to 7. To differentiate between these two formats, set useRownames to false or true.

getTaxonomy(selected = c(), lineages, level = "class",
  useRownames = FALSE)



a character vector of selected OTU identifiers


a lineage table


the taxonomic level (domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species)


match OTU identifiers to row names instead of the first column (in this case, taxonomic levels are assumed to range from column 1 to 7)


the taxonomy of the OTUs


data(david_stoolA_otus) data(david_stool_lineages) sorted=sort(apply(david_stoolA_otus,1,sum),decreasing=TRUE)[1:10] getTaxonomy(names(sorted),david_stool_lineages,level="family")
#> [1] Ruminococcaceae Bacteroidaceae Erysipelotrichaceae #> [4] Bacteroidaceae Ruminococcaceae none #> [7] Lachnospiraceae Bifidobacteriaceae Lachnospiraceae #> [10] Lachnospiraceae #> 152 Levels: A29 ACK-M1 AKIW874 Acetobacteraceae ... none