Given matrix of relative taxon abundances, plot the dissimilarity-overlap curve (DOC) sample-wise. The DOC method was developed by Bashan and colleagues.
doc(x, B = 100, polygons = FALSE, rand = FALSE, lower.conf = 0.03, upper.conf = 0.97, null.model = "assembly", doc.res = NULL)
x | rows are taxa, columns are samples, abundance in each sample is assumed to sum to one |
B | bootstrap iterations, if set to 0 or below, no bootstraps are carried out |
polygons | draw a polygon instead of the lower and upper confidence line (in development) |
rand | randomize the data sample-wise before starting the DOC analysis |
lower.conf | lower limit of the confidence interval |
upper.conf | upper limit of the confidence interval |
null.model | the null model to use, permut shuffles x sample-wise, assembly selects for each non-zero taxon one of the values taken across the samples at random |
doc.res | the result of a previous run of the doc method is added in green with black points, current result is shown in red with grey points (to plot null model together with data) |
a list with the overlaps, dissimilarities, lowess smoothed overlaps and dissimilarites and lower and upper confidence intervals
A. Bashan et al. (2016). Universality of human microbial dynamics, Nature 534, 259-262.
if (FALSE) { data("david_stoolA_otus") data=normalize(rarefyFilter(david_stoolA_otus,min=10000)[[1]]) doc.out=doc(data[,1:50],B=10) # apply the DOC method to the first 50 samples # plot the DOC curve together with the curve for the null model doc.null=doc(data[,1:50],B=10,rand=TRUE,doc.res=doc.out) }