Mostly genus-level counts (L6) from tongue samples of subject F4 over time.
An object of class data.frame
with 373 rows and 135 columns.
TaxonxSample matrix of size 373 x 135
Subject F4 was followed over 6 months. V4 16S region was sequenced. A counter was attached to genera appearing more than once in the count table.
Caporaso et al. (2011) Moving pictures of the human microbiome Genome Biology vol. 12:R50 Genome Biology
data(caporaso_F4TongueL6) # sort taxa by abundance and print top 10 most abundant taxa sorted <- sort(apply(caporaso_F4TongueL6,1,sum),decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE) rownames(caporaso_F4TongueL6)[sorted$ix[1:10]]#> [1] "Streptococcus" "Prevotella" "Neisseria" "Veillonella" #> [5] "Pasteurellaceae" "Rothia" "Haemophilus" "Fusobacterium" #> [9] "Actinomyces" "Granulicatella"