The function expects an interaction matrix with taxon names given as row and column names and their assignment to a higher taxonomic level given in the first column (can be generated with assignTaxonLevelsToA). Either the edge number or the p-value of the edge number given the number of taxa in both higher-level taxon groups is reported. The p-value is computed by randomizing the interaction matrix while preserving the total number of its entries. Entries (i,j) and (j,i) in the interaction matrix are counted as one interaction by default.

analyseTaxaInA(taxonA, count.entries = FALSE, count.loops = FALSE,
  report.pval = FALSE, report.rand = FALSE, pos.only = FALSE,
  neg.only = FALSE, iters = 100, p.threshold = 0.05, sig = FALSE)



an interaction matrix with taxonomy (first column contains higher-level taxa)


instead of interactions, count links (so entries (i,j) and (j,i) are not combined, but counted separately)


count link of a node to itself


if true, entries in the resulting interaction matrix are p-values of edge number between taxonomic groups, else edge numbers


return the mean number of links found in randomized matrices


only consider positive entries in taxonA


only consider negative entries in taxonA


number of randomizations for report.pval


only report higher-level links with p-values below given threshold


convert p-values into significances


an interaction matrix with as many rows and columns as there are distinct higher-level taxa in the first column of the input


data("david_stool_lineages") # make a random OTU interaction matrix as an example N=30 A=generateA(N=N,c=0.1)
#> [1] "Adjusting connectance to 0.1" #> [1] "Initial edge number 900" #> [1] "Initial connectance 1" #> [1] "Number of edges removed 783" #> [1] "Final connectance 0.1" #> [1] "Final connectance: 0.1"
randomOTUIndices=sample(1:nrow(david_stool_lineages))[1:N] rownames(A)=david_stool_lineages[randomOTUIndices,1] colnames(A)=rownames(A) A.otu=assignTaxonLevelsToA(A,lineages=david_stool_lineages, taxon.level="genus",no.merge=TRUE) A.phylum=analyseTaxaInA(A.otu,count.loops=TRUE, count.entries=TRUE)