If provided, metadata are exported into a CoNet feature file. Prior to the export, categoric metadata are binarised, such that the resulting feature file only contains binary (as 0/1) and numeric features, since CoNet cannot handle categoric features. Constant metadata are removed. If binary metadata are provided as strings, the strings encoding 0 (no) and 1 (yes) have to be indicated. If lineages are provided, they are exported into a CoNet metadata file, which can be used for all group-specific data sets, in case groups are provided. Either the last column or the row names of the lineage matrix have to match the row names of the abundance matrix.
exportToCoNet( abundances, metadata = NULL, lineages = NULL, groups = c(), export.folder = "", root.name = "conet", metadata.to.skip = c(), omitNeg = TRUE, yes = "Y", no = "N", date.items = c(), date.format = "%d/%m/%y", taxa.are.rownames = FALSE )
abundances | a matrix with taxa as rows and samples as columns |
metadata | an optional data frame with metadata items as columns where sample names match sample names in abundances; data types (factor vs numeric) are supposed to be correct |
lineages | an optional lineage matrix where row names match row names of taxa; taxa must be provided in the same order as in abundances; first column gives kingdom, following columns give phylum, class, order, family, genus and species (not all are required) |
groups | an optional group membership vector with as many entries as abundances has samples; if provided, data are exported separately for each group |
export.folder | the export folder into which files should be saved |
root.name | a name included in all exported files |
metadata.to.skip | names of metadata items that should not be exported |
omitNeg | if true, metadata with negative values are removed, since CoNet run with Bray Curtis or Kullback Leibler dissimilarity cannot handle them |
yes | the string encoding 1 in a binary metadata item |
no | the string encoding 0 in a binary metadata item |
date.items | names of metadata items that are dates (they will be converted into days since 1/1/1900) |
date.format | the date format (an example date fitting the default format is 26/1/80) |
taxa.are.rownames | if true, row names instead of the last column of the lineage matrix provide the lowest-level taxa (e.g. for OTUs or sequencing variants) |